Functional vs non functional (could u plz tell me which requirement is functional and which ones are non-functional? overall 9 requirements)

could u plz tell me which requirement is functional and which ones are non-functional?
overall 9 requirements

[WFR-224553] Product Feedback MVP- Create Product Feedback panel to submit the feedback

As a PO I wanted to develop a common component-based approach for exposing a set of options for users to submit product feedback on any screen/report.

Design: See the attachment below


  • Feature toggle “ENABLE_PRODUCT_FEEDBACK” is enabled


  1. Expose readyConnect header description:
  • “Product Feedback”
  1. Product Feedback panel is themeable
  • The panel header applies the secondary color
  1. Expose feedback panel description
  • “You are providing feedback for:
    <Name of screen/report>
    Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements”
  1. Provide a Likert-based rating option to understand if the user is satisfied or not with the screen or report.
  • Label: “The page’s capabilities meet the requirements.” Mandatory option, use the red asterisk. Nothing is selected by default.
  • Show likert scale is 1-7: 7 labeled as Strongly Agree, 1 labeled as Strongly Disagree
    • Provide alt-text (tooltip) for values in the desktop application:
      • 1 - Strongly disagree
      • 2 - Disagree
      • 3 - Somewhat disagree
      • 4 - Neutral
      • 5 - Somewhat agree
      • 6 - Agree
  1. Provide a Likert-based rating option to understand if user believes the screen or report is easy to use.
  • Label: “The page is easy to use.” Mandatory option, use the red asterisk. Nothing is selected by default.
  • Show likert scale is 1-7: 7 labeled as Strongly Agree, 1 labeled as Strongly Disagree
    • Provide alt-text (tooltip) for values in the desktop application:
      • 1 - Strongly disagree
      • 2 - Disagree
      • 3 - Somewhat disagree
      • 4 - Neutral
      • 5 - Somewhat agree
      • 6 - Agree
      • 7 - Strongly agree
  1. Provide a free-text text area for users to submit any additional comments.
  • Label: “What was your experience with this page?”
  • Display multi-line text area input. Characters limit - 4096.
  1. Once finished, user can click/press a “Submit” button to submit the feedback.
  • Inactive by default. Mandatory fields should be filled to make “Submit” button active.
  • Note: Confirmation modal pop-up is not needed.
  1. User can cancel submitting feedback and close the panel by clicking/pressing a “Cansel” or “Close” button.
  • Entered data is NOT preserved
  • Note: Confirmation modal pop-up is not needed.
  1. Confirmation modal should appear if the feedback was submitted:
  • Modal pop-up will appear with Success Message with the following text:
    • "Hooray!
    • Thank you for your feedback! It has been successfully submitted. We appreciate your time."
  • Both the icon and panel disappear after the user clicks ok in the horray message.

Dev note:

  • Use horizontal scrolling of likert scale to fit all the options to the panel for devices less than 368px screen width.

Out of the scope:


could u plz tell me which requirement is functional and which ones are non-functional?
overall 9 requirements

Can I ask in what context you are wanting to know this?
Is it something you need to know for your current job, or is it something else?

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At best I see the Dev Note about the scrolling a NFR.
Other than that I see no NFR at all.

Typical NFRs about translation or performance.

Have you been told to test the NFRs for this issue without giving you more details?
I suggest you to ask back what they have in mind.

NFRs are different from product to product.
Even different people understand different things under NFRs. Typical a subset of a universal list.

To me it looks like all 9 requirements are clearly functional,
test and verify that the users will be able to submit product feedback exactly as the requirements.


  • Exploratory test it:
  1. so that same user cannot add multiple answers where it is one as in scales 1-7
  2. so that same user cannot add more than one feedback as a whole
  3. so that a user can’t skip a point or multiple points in the feedback 1-9
  4. look for hidden buttons by clicking somewhere else than where buttons and text are placed
  5. look for anything else that looks odd
  6. refresh page to see that user still has the same page and added answers are still there
  7. try to edit and/or delete static text
  8. is it easy to read and interact on, even for people with limited vision and disabled persons?
  9. What happens when zooming in/out?
  10. Think of anything else that can be tested and/or anything that has not been thought through, if you can come up with anything?
  • Look for spelling mistakes

  • Test in different devices/browsers and also with different resolution

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im doing internship. this is homework. they told me to tell which one is func which one is non func

No offense but this feels as if you’re just asking the community to do your homework for you. Not cool.

Now, if you’d asked “hey friends, please help me understand the difference between functional and non-functional requirements” that would be a different story :slight_smile:


Indeed, I had an inkling it was that. I’m with @baysha on this one; not the most honest thing to ask others to do your homework

I already know the difference but it seems strange to me why all of them are functional requirements. there supposed to be some non functional ones too.

Big task to get peoples view on. Is this something you should be sharing wholesale?

I can see that alt-text is heading towards accessibility, and device screen sizes towards compatability.

Did anyone say that there are supposed to be non-functional requirements in this document?

What does the person who asked the question think that functional and non-functional mean?

Personally I never use ideas of functional and non-functional requirements to do anything useful because it is a needlessly confusing set of terms that I don’t find valuable and I can’t find a definition that makes sense and is helpful, and often definitions seem to disagree in important ways or impose ideas onto the categories that are actively harmful or misleading. It feels like the bitter aftertaste of outdated factory testing ideas.

So I’d go back to the question setter and ask what they mean. Perhaps they can provide an example of a functional and non-functional requirement. Perhaps there’s another way to get what you want, or explain your position, without worrying about a differentiation that is far more important to be aware of than actually make.

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The original poster (OP) has asked me to delete this post – I’ll close it instead. Thanks to everyone who has jumped onto this post. I’ve let the OP know they might want to consider how they ask for help next time.

It might be worth for next time stating why you’re asking for help on your first topic post and the community would be more open to helping. For example, “I’m familiar with the difference between functional and non-functional requirements and I’ve been asked to clarify the following to decide which are non-functional. I’m confused as I believe they are all functional. If you read the following are there any that appear non-functional to you? Thanks for your help.”

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