HolidayBash: Let's play Among Us

Hey! Sign me up for Among Us please!

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Still space for me? (please) :pray:

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Since the game goes relatively quick we will make sure everyone gets a chance to play!

Here is some more info as we get started

The Rules:

Join the Hopin Session from your computer, so we can all chat/coordinate the start of the game, and discuss within the game

If the lobby is full or a game is going on and you want to play at the conclusion of a game speak up in chat or join in on the voice video chat, and we swap folks out so everyone gets a chance to play.

In Game Rules (not enforced by the platform/game)

  • During the ‘SHHHHhhhh’ Time of the game you should not talk.

  • If you are in the process of dying or are dead you should not talk.

  • If you are still alive in the game you should not have the ‘hopin’ stream visible as the Host will be sharing their screen

  • We’re working off the Honor system on all of these rules🙂

  • Once an emergency meeting is called or a body is found and we move to discussion/voting time everyone still alive is allowed to talk freely

5min How to Play Among Us in 5min or less -

Get the Game:

Windows - - $5.00 through steam

iPhone or Ipad - (ad supported)

Android - (ad supported)

We kick off in 25min!

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