On Goodreads anyone?

I’ve only just signed up for Goodreads, wondered if others used it? Might be another way to connect and share what books we are read, have read or plan to read?

My profile is - https://www.goodreads.com/Rosiesherry


I’m not on Goodreads; rather, I’m on the “other” major reading blog/app, LibraryThing (https://www.librarything.com/).

My profile is at http://www.librarything.com/profile/RobertDay and my actual library is visible at http://www.librarything.com/catalog/RobertDay (though I have very little material relating to testing).


Interestingly, because it’s a web-based cataloguing app, LibraryThing has a group devoted to trapping and exploring bugs, Bug Collectors (https://www.librarything.com/groups/bugcollectors). (To contribute, you will have to be an LT member). I have pitched the odd comment in from time to time :slight_smile:


I’m on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4283805-phillipe

There is a QA book reading list that i check out from time to time: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4283805-phillipe

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I think the 2nd link you provide was meant to be something else?

I love goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/meowy24
it gives such cute stats and amazing recommendations :smiley:

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I like goodreads that it gives you also specific recommendations after you have a couple of ratings.

If you would like to follow me then here.

However spoiler alert I read a bit all over the place.

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I’m on Goodreads!

Been stuck on ‘reading’ the same two books for a while though… Twenty-four hours are not enough in a day :sweat_smile:

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