Power Hour - Accessibility Testing

Thank you, everyone, for all your brilliant questions and patience with me and @ruarig

Thank you to the Ministry of Testing for inviting us and to @heather_reid and @mcgovernaine for your support.

I really enjoyed this experience, learned quite a lot and as I said on Twitter, I feel like I’ve kicked a little ‘impostor syndrome’ butt along the way. If you have any follow up questions or want to ask something more directly please feel free to contact me or post here.

Thanks, Ady

Ps, I’ve started posting more on accessibility on my website at https://www.thebigtesttheory.com/ and this is where the free guidelines with test hints are. Please feel free to visit or even download the word version so you can add your own notes in your context. My site is ad-free so you won’t be hassled by PPI and such :wink: so I’m not trying to get you to go to make money. Plus you can read testing poetry while there, what more could you ask for?
Slides from my accessibility talk mentioned earlier are available at https://www.slideshare.net/adystokes/edit_my_uploads