Power Hour - Test Cases & Scenarios

On the 29th of May Gáspár will spend an exciting hour on The Club tapping away, answering your questions related to writing test cases and scenarios, how these can be automated and finding the TDD/BDD balance. Ask your question to get it answered.

Aside from testing, I am keen on Behavior Driven Development, I am a BDD addict so to speak. I am here to answer your questions about:

  • Writing BDD scenarios that you will be happy to work with years later
  • Automating scenarios
  • Maintainable test automation infrastructures, TDD/BDD balance

Get all your questions in by 29th May before 7pm and I’ll do my best to answer them during my power hour!


Do you have any exercises or tools that you particularly love for scenario generation? I’m thinking about times where you have a brain freeze and you go blank, or if the team needs a bit of an energiser when it comes to writing scenarios


What are the design patterns you recommend when designing your tests to reduce maintenance efforts in case there is a risk that your requirements change in the long term or new version will be generated?

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Although testing shows presence of defects but not their absence, but I’m wondering if there is a way to increase the probability that your test cases find critical “absent” defects ?
The use of AI in our automated tests is it worthy ? From where we should start in order to apply it in our TCs?

I find that the more detail I include in test cases, the harder they become to maintain. How would you describe the optimum level of detail?


How do you review test cases? Who carries out the reviews and what are the possible outcomes?


When writing scenarios with the intention of automating, I find I write them as procedural steps rather than behavioural. e.g…

The user opens the home page
They click the Login button
They enter correct details
They click Login

is easier to automate than

When the User logs in

Any tips on maintaining behavioural steps when intending to automate?


What is the differences between a bdd test scenario and an executable test scenario?

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(I hope I’m doing this right, it seems weird to “reply” to ask a question!)

I’ve heard people recommend writing scenarios in a declarative rather than imperative style. Would you please explain the benefits?


Hello Gáspár,

  1. Can you please advise of how to measure automated tests coverage? There are many tool for Unit tests but how to measure feature tests/scenarios?
  2. What KPIs are for maintaining automated tests? (apart from passed/failed tests). How to prove that your tests are in good quality.



Thanks for this!

Are there any guidelines or recommendations to consider when deciding which test cases should be automated and which are better to leave for manual testing?


Test maintainability / reusability is becoming increasingly important as we try to make process more efficient etc. What are the best ways to balance test case quality / detail with being generic enough to be maintainable and reusable?

How can things like shared test steps and the use of parameters facilitate this ?

Hi Gáspár!

In your book “Discovery: Explore Behaviour Using Examples”, you and Seb wrote a little bit about Exploratory Testing…

I wondered what your thoughts are on Exploratory Testing being used a means of uncovering info to stem better examples, as well as how examples might be used to help stem more exploratory testing?


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What would be your recommendation to use BDD for integration testing, regression testing & user acceptance testing?


I’m interested in learning about your approach to testing for Accessibility.

1). In terms of planning, how do you break things down in Agile using BDD? Is Accessibility a part of the main Acceptance Criteria (of a given card) or is it broken out into its own card?

2). When do you perform Accessibility Testing?

3). What tools do you use to perform your tests?

4). What WCAG conformance level do you typically meet?

5). In your opinion, is Accessibility something that can be automated or is it something that must always be performed manually?



When developing automated test cases, do you aim to automate existing manual test cases or do you separate the manual and automated test cases?

What are you recommendations when changing from traditionally SWRS development and start using TDD as development method?

What would you consider a good quality BRD and Solution Design document for the successful creation of test scenarios? What will be the first thing to look for?

Hi to all,
I want to know what Gaspar think about use “Scenario Outline” for the BDD cases. Its a good idea? in wich cases?

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Another question how can we combine model based testing (MBT) with BDD cases?
And is it worthy ?