What software architectures are most common now?

So far in my career I’ve worked on Three Tier, Microservices & now Serverless across AWS, Azure & GCP. I was wondering what the most common ones are now. What architecture are you working on? If its other or a combination of those listed it would be great if you could comment and let me know so I can learn what else is out there :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Three Tier
  • Microservices
  • Serverless

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x) Multiple tiers

The enterprise and public sector here is a mix of large scale integrated systems. Some have system running since the 1990’es (AS400), with integrations to web front ends and standard systems (MS CRM etc) in other places.

Some are moving the infrastructure to the cloud but not as such changing the application layer to serverless or microservices. There’s more of a trend to move towards standard business applications: ServiceNow, MS Dynamics…

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Serverless for me, using AWS.

I think our team are a bit different though as the AWS services themselves are what the customer interacts with. Our Lambda functions (with our own logic) send results to Config and it’s that Config result that the customers see. We don’t have a UI or anything built on top of the AWS services.

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I would say these three concepts barely touch what architecture is.
It would be like saying a building architect’s job is to pick the brick and cement types.

Simon Brow, writing for Clean Architecture, talks about 4 decoupling modes: Packaging By Layer, Packaging By Feature, Ports and Adapters, and Packaging by Component. There are resources on these decoupling modes.

There are other models like the Hexagonal Architecture, Clean Architecture and C4, etc, which build upon the decoupling modes to be more concrete and embracing.

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This is fascinating thanks. This is what I was looking for. I figured I’d barely scratched the surface. Now I have some things to explore.