30 Days of API Testing - Day 1: Define API

So what is an API?

  1. API is an Application Programming Interface

That is correct but it is wrong. I mean it is now wrong wrong but I do not think the phrase Application Programming Interface is somenthing a non code, non geek person would understand.

  1. API is a way to expose your code to the outside world

I would say this is a bit better but some might say it is still not enough. What do you expose, what do you mean by expose?

  1. An API allows you to have access to resources ( text, image, video, sound) which are present on a specific maschine by accessing a specific URL ( link, page). Depending on the API you can create, update or even delete those resources.

This is my view of what an API is. While it may not be the most accurate from a book perspective it does allow me to both understand and explain how to work with API in a more universal way.

API testing is … I would say the below checklist

  • Make sure the API is well documented
  • Make sure the API returns the defined data
  • Make sure that the API data is returned in the defined format
  • Make sure that in case an error happends the message is clear and that the API does not crash on errors
  • Make sure that it does not take forever to get the data
  • Make sure that multiple users can use the API at the same time
  • Make sure that only the users who have the access can access the API

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