Announcing WICK-A11Y "Chapter 1.2.1" - Voice Support: The Accessibility Cypress Plugin that Talks More Than John Wick in His Movies! 🎬

I’m excited to share the newest blog post highlighting the latest features in the just released hot off the press wick-a11y v1.2.1 Accessibility Cypress plugin.

This version Includes:

  • :loud_sound: Voice Support: Get audible feedback for accessibility issues at various levels (suite, test, violation type, and DOM element), helping you quickly identify and resolve them.

  • :page_facing_up: Summary of Violations: A detailed summary in the Cypress Log, categorized by severity, providing a comprehensive overview of your website’s accessibility state.

Dive deeper into these features and learn how they can streamline your accessibility testing process in my latest article: WICK-A11Y Chapter 1.2.1 - Voice Support: The Accessibility Cypress Plugin that Talks More Than John Wick in His Movies - DEV Community :globe_with_meridians:

When I was creating these new features, somebody asked me β€œBut why add voice?”

The reason behind adding the voice capability to the plugin arose from a significant realization: many individuals working on testing website accessibility themselves suffer from disabilities. They are deeply invested in making the web more friendly, usable, and accessible for everyone.
I believed that adding this feature would at least provide some assistance to those individuals with disabilities, easing their work with a tool like wick-a11y and making their tasks a bit easier.

Check out these Wick-a11y voice videos to see how wick-a11y looks when incorporated into your testing framework!

accessibility cypress #wickA11y #webdevelopment #testingtools #softwaredevelopment #accessibilitytesting #voice #plugin #blog

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New feature - Voice for accessibility analysis in Cypress Log

New feature - Voice for accessibility analysis directly on Web Page for DOM elements

New feature - Violations Summary

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