Bloggers Club November 2021 – Oracles & Heuristics

Oracles help us describe what we think are important problems. Heuristics help us come up with test ideas to discover problems. With both in hand, we can do awesome things and our testing chops tend to amplify beyond what we think is possible.

This month I challenge you to write about:

Oracles & Heuristics

Use November to reflect on your own interpretation of oracles and heuristics. What do they mean to you? What do they mean to those around you (in and outside of your team)? How do they help? What are some of the pitfalls? What real-life examples can you share from your career? How do you incorporate oracles and heuristics into your daily testing efforts?

How to get involved

  • Write a blog post on the above topic any time in November, by the 30th :writing_hand:
  • It can be as long or as short as you want it to be
  • Share a link to the blog on this thread (or reply here if you don’t have a blog)
  • Receive lots of support, encouragement, and love from the community :heart:
  • If you want to get reminders to submit your blog, RSVP below :spiral_calendar:

Reflect, share and inspire yourself and you’ll inspire others. Good luck!


I use the Pareto principle as a heuristic to help me know when to stop testing, and I blogged this about it yesterday:


Thanks for sharing, @mikeharris. Cool article! I like the heuristic of “identifying the vital few and the trivial many” as a way to consider when to stop testing.


Here it is, just a basic short post, I didn’t have time to write something longer and more in-depth, but I didn’t want to miss this month’s challenge either!


Here is my month’s contribution for oracles and heuristics


This is my contribution for this month: