🤖 Day 21: Develop your AI in Testing manifesto

Short & effective manifesto Vishnu, what’s better than continuous improvement & learning in this dynamically changing AI world.

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Hi there :vulcan_salute:
I’m way too late for this, but life got me harder, and I had to stop the challenge for some time. I’ll continue from where I stopped if it is ok for everybody :grimacing: .

My manifesto:

  1. Proactivity: If I see a problem I have to report, if I have a feature I need to test and if there are places lacking automation I need to implement, so I can use AI to help me at all those tasks.
  2. Clarity: All my actions needs to be clear for everybody and I need to communicate it like that, AI needs to follow that too.
  3. Non-personal: We don’t use personal data on testing!!!
  4. Improve always: If there’s a room to improve, why not? And why not use AI to search for that room?
  5. Reporting: The results of testing work should be broadcasted to everybody that have access to then. AI helps the report and the format :raised_hands: .
  6. Tester in control: Independently of the AI helping the tested is the one that is responsible on what should we test, so to filter what is the most important feature for the user is the essence of the product quality.

That’s it folks :wink:

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