Freezing the browser

After clicking a button, i need to assert the “Record Saved Successfully” message. The problem is that it disappears within seconds. So I couldn’t locate it. Could anyone gimme a hand in freezing the Chrome browser page, to locate it?


Hi @swetha and welcome to MoT :slight_smile:

What framework/tool are you using to locate/assert it?

Check out chrome dev tools recorder

Using. This you can manually test and playback as needed for point in time checking.

Thank You ! @kristof
I use Webdriver IO Framework

Thank You for giving me an hand @utchbe .

Scenario : Actually after clicking on the ‘Mart attendance’ button , ’ Attendance marked’ message comes at the bottom of the page .
I tried the ‘Show Recorder’ option available in ‘Dev tools’ like as mentioned in the You tube video . And exported the recorder with Webdriver IO extension ( I use Webdriver IO framework for Automation) but the assertion ( ’ Attendance marked’) message is not recorded .