How do you convince your team/company to invest in tools? – 30 Days of Tools, Day 12

Day 12

How do you convince your team/company to invest in tools?
What techniques or methods have you tried that led you to convince others of the importance of tooling?
How do you respond when your team/company is reluctant to invest in tools?
How do you demonstrate the value of tools without wasting too much of your - and others – time?

Our product team is really into Outcomes over Outputs, I think it applies with this sort of decision too.

Choosing a tool is an Output - but what we are trying to achieve is the Outcome.

For example, I want our organisation to invest in Postman.
So, I try to make sure there’s something written down that states what we are trying to achieve with it. Something like β€œwe want to confirm our APIs are functioning correctly every time we deploy”. Along with a recommendation for Postman, and reasons for it.

This way, if the company is reluctant to invest, we can return to the Outcome we’re trying to achieve, and talk about alternatives. Or, what will happen if we don’t invest.