How long does it take from reporting a bug to a fix being available for retest?

Thinking about a typical and important bug (not an urgent, hot fixable P1), on average, how long does it take from reporting the bug to a fix being available for retesting?

  • Within hours
  • A day or so
  • Up to two weeks
  • I’d rather not say! :see_no_evil:
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I appreciate the different definitions of the bug’s severity, team setup, context, “it depends” etc, can all play a part. Just go with your gut based on your current situation. Or pull some data, if you have them available.


I’m assuming a production bug…
In a rank of Priority defined as: Blocker, Critical, High…I took Critical.

What’d be interesting is also when will that fix be going to Prod/Live?
Some companies have daily releases others quarterly or yearly.
So it isn’t quite an equal ground related to the importance of when a bug is fixed.


Sometimes, it never gets fixed.

I feel sad that most testers don’t advocate well for bugs in general (based on my experience with people with whom I have worked in my limited career experiences)

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The fastet I had was within minutes.
I once had a developer sharing their screen with the application and I guided their testing (“try this”, “have you thought of X?”). Most things we found changed the developer on the spot and rebuilt the application.

By being on the same Scrum team I have a very direct contact with the developers and by that can communicate bugs very directly. Seldom I create a issue per bug. Most times I have a list of bugs somewhere (often at the feature issue) which I discuss with developers frequently.
Sometimes its even just a text or verbal message.
By that its often just hours, depending on the load of the developer.

Also by this direct communication developers often join me, I can show them the bug (its behavior and how to reproduce) and we analyse it together.
I seldom have to write long manuals how to reproduce the bug and I don’t have much back and forth like “I can not reproduce the bug - You did it wrong.”

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