Liveblogging TB Brighton #0: Welcome and Starting Off

We’re off. Today’s quest: liveblogging the TestBash! I strive to keep you informed and up to date on the talks & the cool stuff happening today in Brighton. On Wednesday, we had the very first #TestBash Essentials day. Lots of new people and stories. On Thursday: workshop day and hand-on stuff.

But today: today is #TestBash Brighton 2019 conference day! Let’s learn lots, share loads and connect with one another.

So let’s get started! The Ministry of Testing’s motto is: Co-Creating Smart Testers

Vernon – TutuBoss – starts us off: People who have been here before: please look after the people who have not been here before. Connect and talk to people who stand alone. (Unless they choose to be alone!) There is a chill out room upstairs where you can relax and recharge today.

There is an UnExpo as well: go and enjoy. There’s cool stuff happening & join the Easter Hunt. (Opposite the Quiet Room on the first floor)

Look at the Code of Conduct and follow it!

We are going to play #TBTestMatch again: find a connection with your fellow TestBashers – take a picture & post it on Twitter (or Instagram). Have a blast!

#liveblogging #quest started!