Main homepage feedback

If anyone has any good examples of sites promoting stuff at the top along with curated content, I’d love to see them


Most of the sites I visit often, that have such content, are all shops of some kind, usually tech:

And tech news:

Are they good examples, is of course open to opinion. But they do pull me in to look at the shiney and keep me coming back to browse. And then, allow me to dig in if I want something more task oriented.


Hey, I hadn’t visited the site in a while, it was 7 am, I was a little grumpy then I found a menu without context, like a guessing game to know what each thing was.

I was on this page - Automation Engineer in Testing: JavaScript | Ministry of Testing

I working on something to score sites for accessibility, so I ran an assessment on the site.

What I’d call out as critical:

Most of the time I’m testing with the keyboard and not mouse.

  • The icons on the left hand menu are not accessible at all. They do not have accessible names. I couldn’t check with a screen reader as each time I opened the site on my VM I would get a top menu and not a side menu. I did check with ANDI - ANDI - Accessibility Testing Tool - Tutorial. It’s odd because they have tool tips so the content is there.

  • The contrast issues on the Tab bar where it’s green on green.

  • The contrast issues on the lists items within the footer when they are focused using a mouse

  • The contrast of the focus highlight on the [Buy] button. You cannot tell it is selected. I would follow the design for the other tabbable elements you have.

Some things would be confusing to a screen reader user, the [content] button pops out a menu. It should be a menu button - (Menu Button Pattern | APG | WAI | W3C). Same with the small share button by the [Buy] button.

When opening the [content] menu I’d constrain the keyboard to that popup. Treat it as if it’s a modal and trap the keyboard to the popup. With the correct roles someone would know to dismiss it with ‘escape’. There is also an aria problem here as aria-expanded isn’t valid for a list item.


Hi @badgersruleok,

Thanks for taking the time to explore the accessibility of that page on the MoT Platform. We’ll review your feedback internally and take appropriate action.


Thanks Simon.

I’m wrong about the keyboard trap on the menu, a recommended way to constrain it is with - GEL | Focus

It’s supported in most browsers now - HTMLElement API: inert | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc


  1. Kindly update the new Twitter logo at the footer.
  2. On About Us | Ministry of Testing, “The Scholarship” and “the first TestBash” text marked in green, shows 404 page
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Thanks, I fixed those links. The Twitter icon change will come a bit later.

And as a general update, there are lots of things happening behind the scenes right now.


please check Logo visibility on

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Thanks for highlighting, @ansha_batra. Good spot! We’ll endeavour to fix that.

EDIT. We’ve updated the logo.

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On Software Testing Events | Ministry of Testing while activating the Past slider effect.
Dropdown under the Event Type is opening in the upper part, causing overlap with the New MOT Certifications strip.
Additionaly, the dropdown options are not displaying properly, leading to further overlap.

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Under My Posts, in Reactions menu - While scrolling down the page, a perpetual loading icon appears, indicating that the page is attempting to load continuously. However it fails to load, and the loading icon reappears intermittently.
And it continously happen, until I do the page scroll.
Not able to add video here, hope this screenshot help.

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Hello @rosie @simon_tomes
On Companies | Ministry of Testing,
#s- software, consultancy & training - redirecting to the pages are blank. There is no content on these pages.

URLs- Explore software | Ministry of Testing
Explore consultancy | Ministry of Testing
Explore training | Ministry of Testing

PFA of full page-


@ansha_batra. thanks for raising these problems. We’ll investigate and share an update soon enough.

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We are aware these problems currently exist and there is work behind the scenes happening to fix them. Thank you. :pray:


@simon_tomes @rosie
I encountered that in the search bar in menu items on without entering any data when you click the search button, it redirects me to a blank page which cause confusion - Search | Ministry of Testing

It should display an appropriate message or if redirecting to a page, then it should have content along with the message like- Looks like there was an error there. Please try again!

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On the Member Directory page, I tried to sort the list by username however I was unable to do that. The mouse cursor changes to hand-shape but on clicking the username and list were not sorted and the default list was visible. However, on hovering the mouse over other columns,the mouse cursor was changed to hand shape cursor and sorting is working.

There are two kinds of expected behavior:

  1. If sorting is applicable for username also then on clicking the username the list should be sorted ascending or descending wise similar to other columns
  2. If sorting is not applicable for username then mouse cursor should remain to default shape.

I can see how that mouse behaviour and lack of sorting functionality is confusing, given other columns can be sorted.

Thanks for your feedback, @ujjwal.singh.

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