Manual Testing task

Kindly please provide solution of below questions mentioned for this task:-

Function takes two and only two characters as input. It returns 1 when each entered symbol is either letter
or number and 0 in other cases.
Numbers are Hindu-Arabic numerals from 0 to 9. Letters are Latin, Cyrillic or Modern Greek alphabet.
The bug was found before, slogan is: “Cyrillic letter can be treated as non-letter symbol”
Actions to reproduce:
Function input: ΑУ.
Expected output: 1. (Logic: only letters).
Observed output: 0.
The bug was fixed. Existing tests were already ran as a regression test after bugfix, here is the test report:
Input Expected output Status
ΑΑ 1 Passed
1Α 1 Passed
11 1 Passed
Α$ 0 Passed
(1 0 Passed
What tests cases will you do for bug’s verification?
What tests cases will you propose to enforce regression testing of the function?
Negative tests like input less than 2 symbols and input more than 2 symbols are out of scope for both bug
verification and additional regression test cases.
We will be glad to see your reasoning and argumentation as an addition, but the main thing is to provide
test cases for both bug verification and additional regression test cases.

test with greek
βm 1
0 (2 spaces)
null null 0
!! 0
‘’ 0
/ 0 (use regEx symbols)
ç$ 0

It’s also a bit ambiguous, you have basic and extended latin.

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Ok, I successfully deleted my message :smiley: anyway, I just read it again and wanted to change my text.
Expect to Fail - Letters/characters outside of the group of 3 languages, from the Unicode table. Not ASCii. Numbers with decimals, Negative numbers, Pi (or any other types of mathematically written numbers 2^2 if the functions allows that).
Expect to Pass - Look at the group of the 3 languages and take representatives of the most unusual characters. Numbers are clear, right? And all combinations probably. Number = N, Language1 = L1, Language2 = L2, Language3 = L3. NL1, NL2, NL3, L1N, L2N, L3N, NN, L1L1, L1L2, L1L3, L2L3, L2L2, L3L3 etc. (if the order is important)


@ivana_jones Thanks for replying :slight_smile:

1.What tests cases will you do for bug’s verification?

2.What tests cases will you propose to enforce regression testing of the function?

Can you please post your answer according to the number given 1 and 2 above as i am confused the answer which you have posted is for Question 1 or 2?

It will really help if you can post your answer against 1 and 2 number. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Um. Not sure why , but this really looks like a non “work” related task. Basically a job application homework or college homework question.

It’s a unit test and to be honest why does the function return an integer? Returning an int type in any platform is bad programming practice, as it embeds semantics into the return value. It’s evil, don’t do it, also, we did not specify the name of the function here, another fun way to miss product code changes. We are more likely to be testing the wrong thing here. No amount of “test case” writing without looking at far far more important risks we are overlooking will inject quality into your product. That’s my answer to this question. If you really do want to write a test for this, by all means use Postman of whatever other data-driven test framework your team uses, but don’t waste any more than 5 minutes on it. It’s not worth it, we have tools that solve this problem for us.

You really can test products properly without test cases, we need to stop telling testers that they NEED test cases, it’s counter productive, and probably the main reason we don’t teach software engineering in schools. That’s a deeper topic, sweating it over a thing that is not the real thing is a distraction. Sorry, rant over.


1.What tests cases will you do for bug’s verification?

2.What tests cases will you propose to enforce regression testing of the function?

Can you please post your answer according to the number given 1 and 2 above as i am confused the answer which you have posted is for Question 1 or 2?

It will really help if you can post your answer against 1 and 2 number. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hii Xander,

Kindly please reply on previous message.


Hi Ivana,

Kindly please reply on my last message.


This is beginning to seem as though you’re looking for an exact answer to a formal academic test or interview task. This isn’t really what the community is here for.

If people want to take part, they are under no obligation to reply with anything more than a general discussion of the testing principles involved.