Move career into AI testing

I am looking to transition into AI testing after 12 years of experience in manual testing. Could you please provide a roadmap for this career shift, along with recommendations for relevant study materials?


Here’s a collection of our resources on AI and Software Testing and we also have a course on Prompting for Testers.

I believe this to be the most comprehensive amount of testing + AI resources out there at this point in time.


What do you mean by AI testing? Do you want to test and automate testing using AI tools? If so it’s not like moving your career from manual testing to AI testing, there is no such career :slight_smile: you may use different tools but tools don’t specify and narrow down your career to those tools in most cases but I could say that you may master some tools and be an expert in using some of them


The business is changing so fast that I would not know where to start. You might review what type of businesses you have worked on in the past because your manual testing experience could provide a lot of insights on what could work or not work. For now I would recommend checking out YouTube webinars/podcasts that share what product managers are using AI for. For example, AI Career Boost by Polly Allen and Reforge.

Would love to hear if anyone is sharing AI tactics that might be working for their business.


What do you mean by AI testing? Do you want to test and automate testing using AI tools?

Or did you mean testing AI’s like through chat prompts, etc.? Testing how an AI responds to different chat prompts?

Most of the companies that are asking for AI testing are the companies that are offering Chat-Gpt wrapped products. So testing those applications is similar to testing prompts in ChatGPT or testing biases or responses in AI.

AI Testing may sound fascinating but at the end of the day we have to accept current LLMs are in the development phase and no one is sure what the future holds for these tools, so betting your career on the testing of such tools might not be a better idea.

You can deep dive into LLMs, and look into the development of any testing tool using LLM that will not only enhance your knowledge but also your portfolio.

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