Test Charter Template

An image of @heather_reid at the Software Testing Club Belfast last night introduced me to a test charter template I’ve not seen before.

Explore (thing)
With (resources)
To discover (information)

I was thinking this could be tailored in a few ways such as;

Explore (thing)

As (persona/accessibility user)

With (resources)

To discover (information) Or;
To learn how to (feature/function) Or;
To execute a (tour/journey)

Are there any other templates for Charters I’m missing out on?


Hi, @adystokes. I only came across test charters a few days ago. Such a cool idea! Thanks for the post. Two resources that I am looking at at the moment are https://www.qualitestgroup.com/resources/knowledge-center/how-to-guide/write-exploratory-test-charter/ which is a bit lengthy and https://media.pragprog.com/titles/ehxta/charters.pdf which was a recommended resource from TestBuddy


We don’t actually use test charters, but looking at how it works, I could probably say its a bit similar to how we document our RTM and scenarios to be tested. However, since we do not use test charters, not sure the objective is the same…Anyways, it seems very nice to use and explore what needs to be tested, helping testers to be creative and make questions around possible testing areas.