What are the API Testing Tools of 2024?

Hello fellow members,

As we delve deeper into the world of API testing, it becomes increasingly important to stay updated with the latest tools and technologies. With 2024 already in full swing, I’m curious to know your thoughts on the top API testing tools that are making waves this year.

After perusing a recent blog discussing the Top 3 API Testing Tools of 2024 I’ve come across some interesting options. However, I believe there’s always room for discovery and innovation. Could you please review the mentioned blog and share your thoughts? Additionally, I’m eager to learn about any other tools you may have encountered or utilized in your API testing endeavors.

Let’s share ideas and learn together. What tools have you found useful lately? Let’s keep it simple and help each other stay updated!

Moderator’s EDIT. We’ve removed the link to a testing services website. Let’s keep this about discussions and not about promoting services. Thanks.


Recently, a few people on this forum mentioned Bruno. I had a quick glance, and it looks really promising. I’ve yet have to try it myself


Yeah, it does seem to be getting a lot attention right now.

I know @ashutoshm is a big fan.



I personaly use Postman and i practice on my own at GitHub. I haven’t use any other tool yet and i think that Postman is easy and usefull.


We are (still) using SoapUI and were starting to migrate to Robot Framework as here we can extend our API tests to E2E tests.

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In the backend software testing for Java, Recording and replay testing with automatic Mocking is an innovative approach. I would like to nominate a tool: JIterator

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The only interaction I had with SOAP UI was that I did a PoC for API testing. All went well until I pressed the button to include a test step for MQTT broker call. This lead to a file corruption and I never saw the PoC again. As much as I liked SOAP UI, its dependability was disappointing.

I currently use a combination of Postman and dev tools but am always opening to try new tools.

Loving Karate Framework for automation and VS Code Thunder Client for ad hoc requests.

Giving a shoutout to Apidog! Great new Postman alternative if you want a simplistic and intuitive user interface. The platform is quite comprehensive, so you should be able to find most (if not all) tools for your API’s development!

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I have primarily used Postman & Swagger as an API Testing tool so far but now as I have transitioned to Automation Testing so I’m working on Rest Assured API Testing also.

I haven’t used SOAPUI so far, but it’s on my list, may be in the future I will explore it.

A new tool that I discovered and tried out this year is: Kusho.

I liked the possibility that it offers to add tests (checks) using AI.

I feel such tools will help testers to really focus on creative ideas and deeper testing and not just stay busy with scripting work.