A Bloggers club

Great idea, it’d defo help me with my very sporadic posting habits :slight_smile:


Well, I failed in getting a post sorted :frowning:

I think it’s a combination of time and motivation. But I also like writing something of a decent size, which probably doesn’t help.

You’ve got days left yet Lee, publish date is Tuesday!

Wasn’t it last Wednesday for our first collective topic?

Nope. Last week was the start of the sprint :slight_smile:

Sorry, late to the party on this. Would love to get involved.

Well you’re just in time, we’re about to open the suggestions for the next sprint! :smile:

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@dominickua Nice idea!

I have a site about automation testing and general test talks in which I blog weekly. The caveat is that it’s in Spanish :D.

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Would Google translate any help in this case?

I am Interested in this club. Please count me in @dominickua

Hi, @dominickua It sounds like what I need to get into habit of writing! Does the bloggers club still exist? Is possible to join you?

A new thread started here for the next Bloggers Club sprint