Event Write Up: How does Bloggers Club help your career?

Today’s Twitter Space on “How does the MoT Bloggers Club help your career?” was full of helpful chats.

The recording is available until 26th November 2022. :headphones:

Thanks to @flynnbops for co-hosting. And for @richardhinton , @shaista and @paradith for joining us on stage.

We covered a lot of ground.

Here are some of the highlights.

  1. Bloggers Club is for anyone in the community interested in blogging — writing/recording to share something for themselves and/or the community.
  2. Each month a topic is set, available on The Club with a bloggers-club tag. Post back with a link to your blog post when published. You don’t have to hit the deadline, it’s just there for a guide. The micro-community of Bloggers Club will support and encourage you, as well as promote your posts.
  3. It helps connect people from different backgrounds and experiences. What’s interesting is how people interpret and write about a topic. We have much to learn from each other and celebrate.
  4. Aaron uses Bloggers Club to practice writing which he claims isn’t something he’s naturally good at, but getting better at. It’s led to many blog posts, two articles on the Ministry of Testing platform and a TestBash talk.
  5. There are many free platforms available to blog on. WordPress, Medium, Proseful, LinkedIn, GitHub pages were mentioned. You can always just post a reply to the thread on the particular month of Bloggers Club
  6. Use previous Bloggers Club topics to spark ideas if you’re stuck on what to write about. One way to get started is to take three posts from others and summarise them in one post.
  7. Folks are concerned if they write something that’s already been written that no one will be interested. Your story is unique. It may be your blog post is the one thing that resonates with someone. Those new to their testing career will benefit.
  8. Blogging is helpful as a journal for your future self. A useful tool to use at work when you’ve already articulated something in written format. Call on other blogs at the workplace to enhance the credibility of your desire to implement something/make a change.
  9. Blogging can be a stepping stone to public speaking. From speaking at your workplace > to a meetup > to a conference.
  10. Some topic ideas: “What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learnt as a tester?” and “What mistakes have you made?”. And there’s an opportunity to offer up really niche topics – these people might not realise they are the first people talking about such topics.
  11. People may not consider that text and content should be SEO-friendly for blog posts to become more discoverable.

List of useful resources.

Over to you

:thinking: What else might you add to this thread?
:thinking: How has blogging helped your career?
:thinking: What blogging resources have you found useful?
:thinking: What topics would you like to write about for a future Bloggers Club?


I am looking to sharing my write-up this coming Monday.

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Hello everyone,
Here is my write-up about the event.


This is super useful, @tamim. Thank you for sharing your write-up. :1st_place_medal: