Following on from my talk at TestBash world last week, the Bloggers club would like to crowd source ideas for this month. Please add your ideas to this topic.
Feel free to write something in the thread or link to your own blog. No better time to get involved in the club!
Update: 11th July 2022
Thanks for all the great suggestions folks! I can’t pick just one. So please write about whichever topic you find most interesting.
I have often considered writing blog posts… but I always either end up with writer’s block or I don’t like how it sounds and just delete what I write.
@wadders88 I try to write one blog post a week of about 400 words. A blog post is your view on something and I have found that people are generous in their response. I have learned from responses what subjects people find more useful and more interesting. A good way to start can be to write a review of abook, a presentation, a conference or write a about a recent discovery that you have made.
“Can and should everybody test?” recently came up as a topic in conferences and Twitter discussions and it is rather controversial. Would be interested in reading multiple takes on it.
The whole “embedding testers” versus separate QA team is a good topic.
It’s almost a Waterfall vs Agile, but without the biases topic. When is it smarter to have a separate QA team and when is a “test chapter” and embedding of test a better approach. Because there are always areas where KANBAN flow is just plain easier to be good at. All depends on maturity of the function. Hope to see people share on the topic.
I liked the spin bowling approach it makes it easier to remember for the management team. Just curious… what was their response? any feedback from them?
Thank you. I have only had a positive response. I also think that the managers I showed it too were suprised by the model as it shows on page what a range of things testers do.