Bloggers Club May 2022 - In Testing, I have changed my mind about…

Hey! :wave:

This month I challenge you to write about:

In testing, I have changed my mind about ________

As we discover discover new information and learn, we may find ourselves changing our mind; changing opinion on certain matters.

I’m keen to read what you have changed your mind about, and why :nerd_face:

Feel free to share a story if you please.

How to get involved

  • Write a blog on the above topic any time in April , by the 31st :writing_hand:
  • It can be as long or as short as you want it to be
  • Share a link to the blog on this thread :eyes:
  • Receive lots of support, encouragement, and love from the community :heart:
  • It’s possible you’ll get a shout out from the Ministry of Testing Twitter account @simon_tomes :grinning:
  • I’ll also help promote from my Twitter account :nerd_face:
  • If you want to get reminders to submit your blog, RSVP below



I find it easier to write such things on Twitter / social media in general. It this also accepted? Is there an initial tweet to relate to? (If not: how about doing so?)
I guess not everyone has a blog. I’m working on one, but it’s not fully ready so far.


You can write and publish articles directly on LinkedIn, this is what I did before I created my blog. The link for the article can be shared here and on twitter. This gives you more space to discuss your ideas than you would get for a twitter tweet.


That’s an excellent idea, Louise!

And if it’s not on your radar, @sebastian_solidwork check out if you’d prefer to easily share a longform-ish threaded post of your thoughts on Twitter.


I’m not yet on LinkedIn …

So it’s basically fine to write a Twitter thread and link it here?
This is currently my preferred way to create a blog post / article.


Feel free to just go for it, @sebastian_solidwork. :+1:t2:

Nicola is doing a fantastic job of sparking ideas and opportunities to write (create) in whatever format works for anyone who’d like to participate.


This blog post has 13 references to some of my previous blog posts. Where have I changed my mind the most? :wink:


Here’s the link to the original tweet if you would rather reply through tweets here


Nice! Thanks.
Exactly what I was looking for. I should have looked at your Twitter profile …


In testing, I changed my mind about - testing! I wrote something similar to this topic a while ago:

If I manage to find some time I’ll try to write another blog on this.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts - the requirements one, In particular, was one I could relate to.


When people describe the environment you have been in before, I’m not surprised why people leave testing to be honest eh.


I have changed my mind about…Test Plans and Test Documentation. When I started as a tester I learned that test documentation, such as test plans, needed to gain approval from the Director… I have changed my mind about documentation


Good one Mike! I haven’t changed my mind on test documents - I always found them wasteful :laughing: :smiley:


A post thats actually on time! Just about …
Was nice to reflect on some things, and see how wrong I was :joy:


Thanks for this interesting information!

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Let’s start with pajama pants, which may be the closest that clothing gets to comfort food. Introduced to Europeans in the nineteenth century by British colonialists returning from Asia and the Middle East, these loose trousers with drawstrings, meant for lazing around in, were initially worn in the West only by men. Perhaps because pants were associated with the suffrage movement, many women stuck to the custom of wearing undergarments, nightgowns, or day clothes to bed. Both sexes sometimes wore nightshirts, which the writer Lawrence Langner, in his book “The Importance of Wearing Clothes,” describes as “a bulky shapeless shirt hanging from the neck like a deflated balloon.” By the nineteen-twenties, women were getting into pajamas, too, a revolutionary change often attributed to Coco Chanel, who, the legend goes, started the trend at the end of the First World War, by strolling along the Riviera in her “beach pyjamas,” bell-bottoms so amply cut they looked like billowing sails. Pajama scholars place this historic promenade anywhere from 1918 to 1922, and within a few years fashionable women were lounging around on yachts and in boudoirs in their slacks of silk, cotton, or crêpe de Chine. The garments were so common in the resort town of Juan-les-Pins that it became known as Pyjamaland.