If you could define who a software tester is, how would you describe them?
Software testers are explorers and problem solvers at heart. They are skilled professionals who are trained to understand unavoidable complexity that comes alongside software development.
A software tester is a professional role in software development that aims to provide information related to the risks of “what could go wrong in this thing we’re building”. They come in many flavours, as different software development has different risks and testing needs, with some commonalities around reporting and analysis.
The person on the team whose role is to always be thinking ‘what if?’, ‘what would happen?’ and ‘what could go wrong?’ - and to find out and communicate the answers
Someone who understands the project and requirements enough to act as the voice of the customer/user in the team. If it doesn’t meet the expectations of the software tester/qa person, will it meet the customer/user expectations?
And when thinking about said custom/user, the software tester/qa is thinking about all personas and experience levels.
A software tester is a Swiss army knife. They dive deep, ask “what if?”, and ensure everything works flawlessly. They are the first customers, the headlights of your project, and the guardians of user experience. Simply put, they make sure your software just works.