Activity 11.1 - Talking about testing

Time: 1-2 hours minimum but more if required/desired

Introduction: In the lesson you spent time thinking about how you might communicate with others the value of testing. In this activity, you will continue that process by creating a blog post on what testing is and sharing it internally with your colleagues to get their feedback.

Purpose: This activity comes full circle back to when we first started. By sharing your ideas of what testing is with others it requires you to reflect on what your personal definition is of testing and how it might have changed. It also requires you to communicate your ideas in a way that a clear and understandable to others.

Task: Take the blog outline from the blog outline activity during the session, complete it and share it internally at work. If you would like some feedback or would like a review of your blog before publishing feel free to send it over to the Essentials instructors for support.