Automation in testing strategy, anyone?

Hello everyone,

there must be others who are as interested in effective automation strategy as me. And by strategy I mean what happens outside teams in particular, including:

  • Designing and implementing automation in testing for the enterprise
  • Automated integration and (end-to-end) acceptance testing
  • Automated checking in production
  • Organizational structure and culture
  • The interaction on automation between teams and the business
  • Automation in testing as a unified and coherent field of expertise
  • Automator training and career development

How interesting is this to you? And what would be the best way for people to interact on topics in this area? This forum? Online meetup? Something else?

Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!

Martin Gijsen
AiT strategist


I like how you’re presenting this as a big picture - there are so many aspects for automation. I’m a big fan of using visual models to guide conversations around building an automation strategy. I’m wondering what visual might get people talking about all these different considerations. As far as best way we can interact on topics in this area to get ideas… if we had a Slack workspace I’d suggest maybe a channel for it, so, maybe this forum works? I would be open to joining online meetups on this topic, too.


Hi Lisa,

thanks for your thoughts on this.

Indeed this focuses on the bigger picture.
Many focus on the tools, processes and techniques of AiT, but there is more.
And the need for it gets clearer as more teams get their own work sorted but not the rest yet.

Using the forum is fine with me, and so is online meetups. Perhaps both?
Curious what others will say.

PS: I got plenty of visuals that should be helpful. Been working on this for some time already …