Career Roadmap for Junior Testers

Hi there fellow testers, I was wondering if any of you have seen/made/used any good career roadmaps for junior testers? Something like a learning plan on how to cover the essential skills needed to become an effective tester.

The reason why I’m asking is that a friend who’s got a small IT company has hired a tester for the first time, that person is a junior with a couple of months of experience (I know that bloke as well) and I’ve been asked to mentor him for a few hours per week, as they don’t have anyone in-house who could do that - all of them are developers. I sat down with their new tester, sent him some courses, and gave him a few pointers, but I’m looking to make a more structured learning plan for him.

I’d like to avoid something that’s too generic, and from the technical side to focus a bit more on the technologies that his new company is using - which are MERN and Python. Maybe, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make the roadmap a bit flexible and to tailor it to the new tester’s talents and affinities (to a certain degree, without skipping the most important fundamental aspects of testing), he likes coding so I’m thinking about putting a bigger focus on coding, once he’s got a good overall foundation.

I’ve seen a few online I’m thinking about starting to work on one such roadmap, and any advice from people who had done similar would be most welcome!


This might be considered too generic, given what you’ve described, yet perhaps this triggers some ideas.

Roadmap_to_Becoming_a_Test_Automation_Engineer_Infographic.pdf (103.4 KB)

Source: Roadmap To Becoming A Test Automation Engineer By Yulia Tekin


Thanks for the resources, @simon_tomes these are pretty good as a starting point! :smiley:

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No generic roadmap but a total picture of stuff I wanted to achieve when I was a newbie something I’ve made for myself (languages and frameworks are free to be chosen, nothing outdated of course)

Some of the items below, are just to gather info of and the know how. It’s not like I’ll mostly write unit tests anyways for example but the knowledge of unit testing is nice.

  • Testing knowledge
  • Agile methodologies
  • Programming
  • UI automation
  • API automation
  • BDD / TDD
  • Unit Testing & Mutation testing
  • Process automation (automate the boring stuff)
    A great book is “Automate the boring stuff with Python”
  • Performance testing
  • Security awareness
  • You can do basic security testing also
  • CI/CD/CD (DevSecOps)
  • Monkey Testing (Chaos, Latency, … )
  • Containerization

Thanks for the list @kristof seems like pretty essential stuff right there! Now, all I have to do is find some time and defeat my epic laziness to get this thing started! :sweat_smile:

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Hey @mirza.

You could try having a look at Skills Maps:

I’ve used the QA one to help get an idea of what skills my QAs have, what they are interesting in learning etc. It’s also good to help give an idea of career direction.


@robbie.falck these seem quite useful, I’ll take a deeper look, thanks a lot!

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@mirza if you worked something out, show us the result, I’m curious! :wink:


Hi @mirza,
have you seen the book Starting your Software Testing Career by Nicola Lindgren? Maybe it’s helpful for you, too.



Hi @dnlknott I haven’t read that one, but I’ll definitely take a loot, thanks!


Great idea!

While I’m yet to read it, I’m a fan of Nicola’s writing style on her blog. Always tonnes of insight and easy to read.


+1, I helped review this book so it’s definitely a good one in terms of mindset and things to look out for :slight_smile:


Hi @mirza

I’m happy to see others have mentioned my book already. Starting Your Software Testing Career

I think your mentee would get a lot of value from it.

It’s written to be a go-to guide for people new in the career (and I have upcoming chapters on advice from other testers, preparing for releases, how to prevent bugs and examples of using heuristics).

If you have any questions, let me know