πŸ€– Day 20: Learn about AI self-healing tests and evaluate how effective they are

Hi my fellow testers,

For today’s challenge I am reflecting on my previous experience of a self healing feature within Ranorex Studio.

What types of problems does your tool claim to heal?

In their release notes they describe their self-healing feature as being able to do the following β€œWe’ve introduced an intelligent self-healing feature to slash your maintenance effort. Now, you can automatically rerun a failed test with a more robust object path. This feature is off by default, simply enable it and watch your failed tests heal themselves!”

Test one of their claims

I created a simple test in an older version of our software and then tried to run it in the latest version where some UI elements had changed. It failed immediately to click on a changed button, I tried adjusting every setting I could that was related to the self-healing feature and re-running the test but nothing worked.

How might this feature fail?

This feature failed straight away for me and I couldn’t get it to work, maybe it was just not ready for my use case

If you are interested in learning more of my experience then I recommend you check out my post in day 5 of this challenge πŸ€– Day 5: Identify a case study on AI in testing and share your findings - #3 by adrianjr