🐤 Day 3: Reflect on Your TestBash Learnings

Welcome to Day 3 of our 30 Days of TestBash! :duck: :raised_hands:

After two days of sharing memories and self-care routines, it’s time to reflect on the key takeaways from TestBash 2024.

This year’s TestBash was packed with brilliant workshops, thought-provoking talks, and inspiring conversations. Now that energy has calmed, it’s time to get your ducks in a row! Today’s task is to review your notes and reflect on the insights you gathered. How can they shape your approach to testing, your projects, or even your personal development?

Day 3 Task:

  1. Review Your Notes: Take about 30 minutes to go through the notes you took during TestBash. Reflect on the ideas that stood out and how they could influence your work or future learning
  2. Apply Your Insights: Think about how you can apply these takeaways to your current projects or future testing goals. What changes could you implement? What new approaches or tools are you excited to try?
  3. Share Your Reflection: Reply to this post with a summary of your key reflections. What was your biggest takeaway from TestBash? How can you use what you learned? Do you have any lingering questions or ideas you’d like to explore further?

Why Take Part:

  • Solidify Your Learning: Reflecting on your notes helps embed the knowledge you’ve gained, making it more actionable.
  • Inspire Others: Sharing your reflections might spark ideas and discussions within the community, offering fresh perspectives to others.
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This post contains my key notes from the GenAI workshop!


LinkedIn - Tom Game - TestBash Post

Here’s my post on my experiences at TestBash

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