🐤 Day 2: #RestBash after TestBash

Welcome to Day 2 of our community 30 Days of TestBash activity :raised_hands:

Are you on a learning comedown?
All the people from around the world stepped into your own little galaxy for a few days?
Found too many ducks?

We feel you friend! After the high of celebrating your event success, we thump back down and it’s then that little slump of post-TestBash blues hits.

But we did it - YOU did it! It’s true that “wellbeing” isn’t really something we prioritise in our busy event or post event schedules. To avoid burnout and thrive as event planners or participants, taking time to rest after our events is just as important as celebrating event success.

By giving yourself the time and space you need to recharge, you’ll find your creativity and enthusiasm for events and your career moving forwards. After all, you deserve to celebrate your success and approach the next event or project with renewed energy and passion.

So what do you do to #RestBash?

  • Physical Recharge: Incorporate a quick workout into your daily routine?

  • Try a New Routine: Follow an online yoga class for relaxation and flexibility. Want to learn a TikTok dance?

  • Mindfulness and Relaxation: You need the brainpower and resilience to get through everything on your to-do list each day. Could you try out mindfulness techniques like meditation or deep breathing?

  • Self-Care Rituals: Treat yourself to some personal care, like reading a good book, enjoying a soothing bath, building lego or getting a relaxing massage. Small acts of self-care can make a big difference.

Is there anything you’d like to share? How do you self care after events?

Please drop comments in the thread, sharing is caring - or start a new post (with “testbash-brighton” as a tag).

Thank you!


Post-TestBash Bliss: Dosas and Deliberation! :partying_face::shallow_pan_of_food:

Just wrapped up TestBash, and my brain is as full as my plate! :brain::plate_with_cutlery:

My secret to beating the post-conference blues? Two words: Delicious. Dosas. (Check out this crispy goodness in the pic!)

After chatting with so many epic testers, I’m recharging with some mouthwatering South Indian cuisine. Because let’s face it, good food is the ultimate debugger for a overloaded mind! :wink:

But wait, there’s more to my relaxation routine:
:man_walking: A 10-minute morning stroll (No, I’m not debugging while walking… mostly)
:thinking: Reflecting on all the awesome things I learned

Who knew that the perfect recipe for processing test strategies involved actual recipes?


For me, reflecting on all the amazing talks has been great. I spent some time typing up a short (1 or 2 sentence) summary of each talk to share with my team that I’ll be adding links to as soon as the recordings and slides are available :slight_smile:


I play organise the swag with my girls.

And then took some wise advice from @stuthomas to buy display shelves for ducks.


Not much rest for me I’m afraid …
I managed to get about 10 minutes to chillout with Fred… and then spent the rest of the weekend fixing a car :rofl:


@rosie that picture is awesome!

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Well thats just confirmed it, I need some shelves for mine!

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Sleep, lot of sleep, good sleep, quality sleep.

It’s soothing me!

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I have joined back to yoga and besides that, I do gym as well. So, I try to be active at least 4-5 days a week. For mindfulness, I visit my therapist at times to untangle my thoughts and understand myself better. Other than that, I have 3 beautiful cats and I love to spend time with them and play with them, they help to recharge me.

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