DORA any experiences

THanks @fponknevets . I think what John Lewis did in their DORA deploy was missing in ours. Nobody really consulted teams on how to implement, all we did was agree it was a good thing to do. From my QA back-seat in this, the process actually did not got a “process owner” in engineering, and as such it’s been less useful.
It has caused some good yet funny side effects, for example patches and hotfixes that went out, no longer are below the “radar”. Patches always got recorded in our system, but now they have started to stand out, in some ways this means hotfixes get more diligence, but I believe the communication fatigue losses outweigh what I personally thought would be the benefit. A better communication benefit that would lead to easier deployments, I think we need more time, will share as we refine. It has to be an ongoing “agile experiment” or else in my experience it will peter out.