Foundation 2.5.3 Module - Confused by Test Report Results

I have just been working on the Foundation Certificate Course and working through Module 2.5.3 - Sharing Your Reports With Others.

When my build pipeline runs the checks upon pushing of new code, then a Test Report is created in GitHub Actions against the build. However, Im really confused about why the Test Report only mentions 1 test, but in fact there were 5 tests run in total. See Screenshots below:

Can anyone help me out with this. I have followed the instructions given in the course to the letter. Please let me know if i can provide any more info to help you to help me. Thanks.

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Your code looks correct. I’m wondering if because you’re using windows-latest as your build runs-on parameter it’s worth updating:




It appears that the report is just showing the JUnit results and not the E2E results.

Let me know how you get on and I may need to tweak the lesson to be more specific as to which reporter to use.