Fun testing challenges

I help run a community of practice and we came up with a number of challenges.
We started off with this in pairs, Credit to
which is more of an observation test but which lead to some good discussions.
Four hour tester has some great exercises and I particularly like Mary had a little lamb, and even ran an assumptions workshop including this.
We made up a few like, ā€œA woman fired a shot at a man with her gun but the man did not die. List the possible reasons for the man not dying.ā€
There are numerous possibilities above and this exercise should help a tester identify possible test scenarios/cases.
We have 5 minutes to identify what assumptions you would make, what questions you would ask, what Test Cases could you create?
This generated another set of good discussions and theories that could be tested.

Good luck with your workshop and let us know how it goes. Ady