Generic in-house test data generator with a GUI. What might this look like?

Thanks for asking!

The tool created a record of the data type and it was placed into the non-production operational database where testers could use it.

Yes, parameters were collected through text fields on a web page. Set up the parameters, click Submit, and the tool provided a reference to the data just created.
For example, if I were creating a Pizza data type, then you would collect toppings and size.
We later added test data “recipes” where a user could select pre-defined data types such as “large pepperoni pizza”, or “veggie pizza”, and the like. Users liked this feature because they often wanted the same kind of data for their tests. Using a recipe made it quick and easy to create the data.
If you expanded the menu, then you could select other products (wings, calzones, etc.) and collect parameters about them.


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