Happy testing! I love using the new Excel Python Editor to generate moc data via faker library

Hi, i`m an old-school software tester, and i know that Generative AI (chatbots) can help me with requests to the faker library for generating test/moc data records.

Currently, I use the new Excel Version 2408 (Build 17911.20000 in the M365 Insider Beta Channel) plus Copilot Pro python script support.

I generate test/mock data with the open-source Faker library, and I like it.

[1] introduction of excel python editor => Introducing the Python Editor from Excel Labs - Microsoft Community Hub

[2] troubleshoot python in excel errors => Troubleshoot Python in Excel errors - Microsoft Support

Sorry, I am a new member and can only include two links in a post.
=> Workaround: Please add the https protocol in front of the following two incomplete hyperlinks and replace ‘(dot)’ with “.”

[3] overview PY open-source libraries => support.microsoft(dot)com/de-de/office/open-source-bibliotheken-und-python-in-excel-c817c897-41db-40a1-b9f3-d5ffe6d1bf3e

[4] example tests of py faker package => faker.readthedocs(dot)io/en/master/#tests

happy testing / best regards,