Has anybody made a transition from web development to software testing?

I’m currently working as a front-end developer and have a few years experience, but I’ve always enjoyed the testing aspect of coding: from unit tests to working with API testing in postman and now learning how to use a few automation tools like Cypress (which I’ve used to automate some basic tests for some e-commerce stores).

Just wondering if anyone here has made a move from a programming/web development role into full time QA/software testing and how easy/difficult is it to find a job as a tester?

I’m currently doing some basic courses in software testing foundations but I don’t have any formal experience as tester so if anyone has any tips on how to get started on this journey to software testing for someone like me, with coding knowledge but no formal knowledge or experience in Testing techniques or processes, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you!


I think you’re starting at a good place, the website of MoT has a lot of great info for you, just browse through the pages, maybe go for a certificate. There’s a lot that you can find there. Youtube is also good for gaining knowledge.

Since you’re getting started in the QA field, you’ll most likely be going for a junior position. I don’t think it’s required to have any certifications, however, it does look good on your resume if you show your interest in the QA field by some courses and/or certificates. Especially when making a switch, it’s good to let your letter and resume show enthusiasm about making that switch.

Last tip I would like to give you, don’t sell yourself as someone that is completely new to the game without any work experience. I read:

  • Work experience in software development
  • Coding experience
  • Automation experience

That’s some experience that definitely gives you an edge over just graduated testers that are also applying to the same roles, so sell yourself with that!


Hey @buw91 , these are super helpful tips! I’m really glad I found this website as it’s helping me to learn and to have more of a “tester’s mindset” as well. Thank you for the brilliant help!


With your existing experience, you may be better fit for roles that deal with test automation, working on test frameworks, test tools, rather than testing or manual/exploratory testing. Some of these may bear names like Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET).

Such roles might value your existing experience and overlook a bit your lack of QA/testing experience.

But do pursue what interests you even if it be manual, exploratory testing, etc.

With your experience, areas of focus that would complement your existing skills:

  • performance/load/scale testing. Think of it in terms of the API, server/cloud/DB, and UI impacts

  • UI test automation (Cypress, Selenium/Webdriver, Appium for mobile) given your web dev skills

  • How to collaborate with other web devs to make the website or web app more automatable for testing. You should be familiar with element identification and location strategies already on the UI web dev side, and how it can be messy or lame boilerplate IDs and names for elements especially when using UI frameworks. Need to ensure these UI elements are defined well in the dev code for easy identification/access in test code. Also knowing the web dev side of things like AJAX, javascript code, and API calls, some things in test automation need to invoke workarounds to help better test things that are not available in core UI (which can be invoked via javascript and REST on the automation side). These are areas a straight QA tester might be less familiar with.

  • whitebox testing and checking or errors or anomalies in javascript/browser developer console, and AJAX calls being made, using your web dev experience


It’s not the same but I was a hobby developer for years before breaking in to the industry as a tester. Now I actively do both.

Having an understanding of development as a tester (and vice versa) is extremely helpful and a huge advantage IMO. Plus the testing things you did as a dev touch on so many of the concepts that a tester encounter.

There’s also a lot of space out there for folks who want to do both. SDETs but you don’t have to limit yourself with specific titles. You want to be a tester that connects with the development side of things? A dev who promotes testing practices while the implementation is happening (or before that), you want to develop cool test tools?

I think there’s room and demand for all of those types of roles out there!