How do you “Develop Testing Tools” - Automation in Testing Curriculum

Hi all,

We’re continuing our work to create a curriculum focused on automation that is created with feedback from the testing community. We’ve already run a series of activities that have helped us identify a list of key tasks that helped us create this Job Profile .

We’re now in the process of going through each task and analysing them to identify the core steps we take to achieve them. For this post we’re considering the task:

Develop Testing Tools

We’ve run a series of community activities including social questions and our curriculum review sessions to identify the steps we need to take to successfully achieve this task and have listed them below.

  • Analyse current testing activities to spot where testing tools might help
    • Get understanding of who will use the tool, and their goals (UX activities - could include personas? Interviews?)
    • Pairing with team members
    • Reflecting on pain points in testing - which can be helped with a tool?
    • Identifying repetitive actions during testing activities
  • Map out an MVP solution for a testing tool
  • Analysing and agreeing the quality attributes of the tool (level of performance, capacity, security of data… etc)
  • Maintenance and further improvement of the tool (who, how)
  • Research potential tools and determine whether to adopt a created tool or build a new one
  • Implement a basic working solution to use during testing activities
  • Evaluate success / issues with new tooling and plan next steps
  • Maintain and document testing tool for future use
  • Understand the goals of the possible solution
  • Compare existing tools and evaluate the effort to build a new one
  • Provide trainings how to use a new tool in organization/company/team
  • Choose a common language or at least more familiar for all team members
  • ?all the steps in developing any software tool - unless very specific group using tool, and self-developing their own tool?

What we would like to know is what do you think of these steps?
Have we missed anything?
Is there anything in this list that doesn’t make sense?

What do you do when an automated test fails?