How do you ensure your application fails gracefully?

Read our latest article by @stefan_testupio, “Failing with grace: A tester’s guide to error culture,” and explore how clear error messaging can transform user trust and satisfaction while creating more resilient software.

What You’ll Learn:
:mag: Why thoughtful error messaging matters more than eliminating all errors in early development.
:bookmark_tabs: How error handling impacts user trust, with insights into the service recovery paradox and the IKEA effect.
:warning: Common pitfalls in error handling, like swallowed root causes, misleading messages, and overly generic errors—and how to spot them as a tester.
:wrench: Practical tips for improving recoverability, error testing coverage, and creating a culture where errors are handled with clarity and intent.

After reading, share your thoughts:

  • What’s the most frustrating error message you’ve encountered as a tester or user?
  • How can you apply the ideas from the article to improve error messaging in your current or past projects?
  • What steps can you take to advocate for better error handling practices in your team?

Great read ! Amazing article

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@sarahdeery :wave:

Fantastic Question :clap:

Shutdown the VM or Cluster on which application is hosted :joy:


In the past month I’ve encountered at least two dozen error messages in various apps.
I don’t make a distinction anymore between an error message, error code, crash, non-responding, forever loading, etc…
The application doesn’t do what I need it to do so for me it’s a failure.
I close it and find another app, getting in contact with a person to achieve what I need or move on without that information.
This behavior damages constantly my mental health and increases my anger with the software, testing, software managers.

Here’s a couple of them:

  • Reverting add to library stuck > 1.5 hours (explorer crashes)