How to create a Test Plan from a TestSphere session

Context is king, Stephen. I suspect that Testsphere cards , although intended as an ideation tool, are not going to be context aware enough. Your test plan is going to want to cover all the things in your software creation, software publishing, and then of course dependent on the nature of the software the User Interaction/Experience (UX). And unless you have used them before, the cards won’t know your context. I love testsphere, but have only ever used them to “grow” or add new avenues to a template plan. You might, be at a place where there is no test manager, so that means it’s you! You will also be needing to create clear separation between strategy and plan , and also work out resourcing and time estimates. Things like what kinds of equipment, cloud storage and VM’s and networks will you need to even start to test. The Testsphere cards have probably given you a good “risk map”, and now you are itching to get started. A good place to start is to communicate well with stakeholders (developers are also stakeholders in this), especially about resource budget and time scale as you go. An actual “document” is less important than having a well communicated and “understood-by-all” plan.

I suggest finding an old thread on the forums that touches on test plans and then asking questions at the end of the thread. We really don’t that often object to old threads getting referred to or getting added to here, we are not that worried about zombies (or at least I’m not.) Or just link to and ask questions here. But it looks like we need more context to help more.

  1. Is the product web-based, what is the subscriber model roughly going to look like? Basically is it B2B or is it direct to end user?
  2. Is there a mobile client? Or is it a desktop app, or browser only?
  3. Roughly what features are the most important ones and what “kind” of tech stacks, without naming actual vendors/products are in the picture?

As per usual DO NOT SHARE ANY SECRETS HERE, assume competitors may be reading, but give only as much detail as you feel comfortable. To start you off, here are some threads covering the topic.

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