How to Execute Cypress E2E Test Cases Using CI/CD GitLab

Cypress is an end-to-end testing framework that is used to test web applications. It is an open-source JavaScript-based framework that enables developers to write and run automated tests for their web applications in a simple and easy way.

Cypress provides a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use testing experience for web developers. It allows developers to write tests in JavaScript, and its powerful features include automatic reload of tests, time travel debugging, and interactive debugging. Cypress also provides a dashboard to view test results and insights.

For more detail about How to Execute Cypress E2E Test Cases Using CI/CD GitLab Please see How to Execute Cypress E2E Test Cases in CI?CD GitLab in detail

GitLab provides integration with Cypress** through its CI/CD pipelines. Developers can configure GitLab to run Cypress tests as part of the pipeline and view the test results within the GitLab UI.

GitLab also provides the ability to store test artifacts such as screenshots and videos.