How to set HTTP Header in Katalon Studio?

Hi all,
I started to work with Katalon in last 3 months. It’s easy to use and simple collaboration. But I have some issue when setting HTTP Header.
I have to set the HTTP header like this image below, since client_id, session_id and client_version is not provided by Katalon, how i set this value in Katalon?

Your help would be very appreciated :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!

Hi there
The error you got from the console is: ro2.setHttpBody(β€œid”: β€œab8e52e92deb459596e3911f9f09934c”) since the function requires a String. I am not sure how the API is setup, you could try to send it as a String, ie β€œid:ab8e52e92deb459596e3911f9f09934c” instead.