How Would You Test This Light Panel?

For the London Tester Gathering Workshops, @mcgovernaine and I stayed in an interesting Air BnB where, no matter how hard we tried, we could not get all of the lights turned off in the kitchen area. We always ended up with 1 set on and ended up settling on just dimming that (zone 2).

We experimented a bit and identified the key zones that the panel seemed to control.

The light panel

The lighting zones identified

So, how would you test this?

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Thatโ€™s hilarious its like some kind of puzzle?

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Cool Puzzle!

Two things I want to explore:

  1. Do the zones identified on the panel control the lights indicated?
    This verifies the wiring from the panel to the lights.

  2. How do the functions on the right side of the panel impact the lights?
    This verifies off, on, and dim control.

Variations on the second are to select multiple zones (left side) and explore the functions on the right side. Can I impact the lights in multiple zones?

Lastly, user scenarios such as yours - all lights off at night - could be explored.


What are the requirements, especially for zone 2? Could this be a safety feature?

Is the indicator light on the panel labelled 1 a different colour than those for 2/3/4?
Were there other lighting panels for other areas of the flat, could there be cross over?
You identified 5 zones but the panel only seems to show 4 zones so how did you identify the zones?
Ask @workroomprds if it was his flat as feels like one of his black box puzzles.

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If you hold down a few of them at the same time, you seemed to be able to turn on and off lights not necessarily linked to the numbers on the panels. My circled & numbered areas of the ceiling lights were more for my own reference when describing the lights than something we linked to the numbers on the panel.

Yes, the arrows seemed to dim the lights. The solid black dot could turn on or off the lights as could the one that resembles a sun. We couldnโ€™t seem to find any notable distinctions in their functions.

Mine were that I could turn them all off as it was a terrible waste of electricity! Although another user may have had an alternative use.

No, thatโ€™s just bad lighting when I took the picture! Occasionally we could get some of the numbered buttons to turn red though

There were regular light switches on the walls for the bedrooms & bathroom, none for the living area.

Basically by playing with the panel! We held down lots of buttons one side and pressed a combination of the top right buttons. Then we tried pressing each of the numbered buttons in turn. We tried quick presses and long holds (30 seconds). The 30 second holds seemed to be needed to turn anything off.

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