It’s finally here! The Bug Hunt live! We have two brave testers who are about to delve into our playground to find the images of the Bosses. You can support them in their journey on Crowdcast but you also have the option to find the Bosses yourself. Below is a list of instances we’ve spun up for you to play with.
So the challenge is set, identify reproducible steps that display each of the bosses in the system.
Bug Hunt Instances
Each instance is exactly the same, having multiple instances spreads the load and interference as you explore. Note: The DBs for these applications reset every five minutes to ensure the experience isn’t ruined for everyone.
Trying to log into the admin panel and the Login button does nothing. The console returns an error:
SyntaxError: “JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data”