I keep letting bugs go live on purpose. What should I do?

I keep letting bugs go live on purpose.

I can’t stop myself.

I get a kick out of it.

Am I a bad person?

Am I a rogue tester?

What should I do?


If you are a zoologist then this is a natural response but if you’re a software tester you should consider your professional ethics


Questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Are you hesitant to discuss bugs with your team?
  2. Do you fear that if you report any bugs, someone in the team might throw a tantrum on the delays?
  3. Do you fear that the top most boss of the product might think your team is not skilled enough due to their short-comings in software development?
  4. You get a kick out of it, think about this scenario:
  • You’re using your bank’s app to pay your rent
  • A software tester, just like you, thinks that this bug can go to production no issues
  • The bug here is that when you hit the send button, the money doesn’t go to your landlord but to the first person in your alphabetically sorted list of beneficiaries
  • Now, due to that tester leaving out a bug like this on production, you lost your money.
  • Just like this there’s someone out there who relies heavily on the software you test and if you can be just a little bit more careful you will reduce a headache for lots of people.

Maybe Brian’s mum from Life of Brian would have a better view.

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maybe it’s time to go to a psychotherapist :sweat_smile: if you can’t stop doing it. Maybe you have some exceptional motivations for doing so, if this is the case then explain it to us :slight_smile:


… Yes, the worst sort.

… Change job roles and become a developer.


Then you could be a sort of a hero - by creating more bugs you are creating more work and new job opportunities for others! :sweat_smile:


‘I keep letting bugs go live on purpose.’
I did that too. I rarely had the choice to do more about them besides informing managers and advocating for risky/critical bugs.
I think that’s better than not finding them in the first place and letting them go live undetected, by professional negligence.

Sounds like your managers were the negligent ones!

Why would you say that? A manager leaving bugs knowingly in production is fine as long as they do it for the progress of the company and business(or forced by their managers/C-levels).
Most of the agile-developed products work that way as far as I can tell. There’s a first MVP release with a bunch of bugs and missing features. Fix them for the following years.
A good example of throwing ‘bugs’ to prod is:


For some companies something might change, for others not so much.

I guess it depends on the context of the bug, if an employee regardless of level/role knowingly puts a bug into prod that could cause harm or damage to the system it is absolutely negligent and depending on the damage caused could result in anything from reputational damage to a prison sentence.

Using Sonos as an example is fine, but would you feel that this approach was OK if say Boeing left a bug in their plane control systems that could cause a plane to fall out of the sky?