Improving The Club chat experience

The Club is powered by Discourse.

As we aim to ramp up more folks using The Club chat, I’ve been feeding back UX issues with them.

  1. Confusing chat channel order when name starts with emoji - FIXED
  2. Recently added Emoji reaction doesn’t anchor the view to the reaction FIXED
  3. Introduce alt-text for images on chat
  4. Unable to keyboard navigate to view a “hover over” on an emoji reaction on chat
  5. Provide a “Back to all chat channels” button when chat is in maximised mode
  6. Reply text displays HTML when replying to a message that starts with a mention FIXED
  7. Toggle chat draw on and off with the chat icon in the top right header

Feel free to reply with any UX issues or bugs you discover with the Chat experience and I’m happy to advocate for them with the team behind Discourse.


There have been some updates to the chat experience. You can read the detail on these release notes.

You can now resize the chat window (when not in full-screen mode)

Kapture 2023-02-03 at 00 52 13

There’s more control over your notifications

A screenshot of a show activity indicator in header on a Discourse web app

  • All New Messages (default) - This maintains the existing behaviour where all new messages in the channel show a blue dot on the icon
  • Direct Messages and Mentions - Only show the green dot on the icon when you are directly messaged or mentioned, the blue dot is never shown
  • Never - Never show any dot on the chat icon, for those who
    want tractor-beam-laser-focus
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Thread chats are coming soon (ish).

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Here’s the latest indication of chat threads from the team at Discourse.