Interesting things to RiskStorm?

Iā€™m intending to demonstrate RiskStorming at my workplace, and to remove the pressure of using something we actually do, as well as making it more even between new and experienced staff, I was thinking of something impartial for them to do it against, and if it can be interesting to help engage them, all the better.

Iā€™ve experienced it with Uber (thanks to @berenvd and @marcel), as well as KITT (thanks to @danielbilling), but was wondering if there are other things people have used?

I wouldnā€™t it too weird or eccentric, as Iā€™m hoping this is something teams will use as I help encourage them to collaborate more, and move some of the teams with historic thinking obsessed with risk logs and cumbersome spreadsheets to open their mind.

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Hey Lee,

We use several different ones depending on the situation and learning you want to achieve at the end.

  1. For a quick, 20-30 minute introduction thatā€™s fun, we sometimes use the ā€˜Deathstarā€™ from Star Wars. Even if you donā€™t know the movies, you can imagine what a huge moon-sized battle station in space might face in terms of problems and risks.
    Itā€™s fun, quick and gives you -some- insight in what RiskStorming achieves.

  2. For 1-2h meetups thereā€™s the Uber one, though a whole application can be rather shallow when thinking in terms of strategy. After that one we shifted it to a new feature. Something that would take a couple of weeks/months to develop, but isnā€™t too big either. It makes the exercise a whole lot more realistic. We took the hypothetical ā€œBuy a pictureā€ feature for Instagram. Where users can exchange money for pictures as in buying it as a piece of art. (not like stock pictures) Itā€™s a feature that is complex enough when it comes to exposing it to the outside world. The internal complexity is ā€˜rather standardā€™. (or can be envisioned quickly)

  3. For the half day workshops, we either go for a feature/release/product that they are currently working on. If thatā€™s not possible, we take the hypothetical ā€œZalando Augmented Realityā€ feature where users get a new virtual wardrobe where they can put together outfits. The outfits can then be ā€˜loadedā€™ into their mobile phone and through the camera will be projected onto the body. So: make your outfit, point it at the mirror and see how it looks on you.
    This gives quite a few outward risks with pictures being stored and shared, the integration with the smartphone,ā€¦ but also inward project risks as we tell the teams the AR is being developed by a third party.
    The architecture becomes more difficult to visualize, the distributed teams and responsibilities become risks and the feature would be a highly marketable and therefore highly fallible release.

So different types of sessions and workshops, different answers. :slight_smile:
Donā€™t be afraid to experiment and try out your own ideas though!

Good luck, friend!