Is the Restful Booker app building and running locally?

Is it just me or is anyone else having a problem with building and running restful booker app locally?
What have I tried?
On Windows 11 Home edition


And all I got was a build failure
I also tried on my git bash:


What I got?
same result - PFA screenshots

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It appears that the UI isn’t building correctly. What logs do you get when you run

npm install
npm build

Inside the assets/ui folder?

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I am not seeing Inside the assets/ui folder?
However I see the following

Apologies I meant assets/js folder.

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I still do not see a ui log.

@mwinteringham Please update as I am not able to see any ui log as such

Did you run:

npm install
npm build

What did you see?

@mwinteringham Here are the pictures. The full logs could not be uploaded.

So looking at the error it appears that your version of Node might be the issue. You might get some support here: npm install node-sass fails: Binary has a problem: Error: \\?\D:\temp1\node_modules\node-sass\vendor\win32-x6 4-57\binding.node is not a valid Win32 application. Β· Issue #2438 Β· sass/node-sass Β· GitHub