Looking for help with mobile accessibility


I’m looking for someone who has worked on mobile accessibility, particularly android.

If you are someone who has experience or worked with it please let me know…

Will be glad to connect with you.



Hi Mahatheed,

I have experienced in accessibility testing on automotive (Car) by using Android mobile so please let me know if i can help you.


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I’m assuming you have taken inputs from WCAG2 into your accessibility guidance already. It’s a web-centric spec sadly, however recent re-writings of it recognise the way mobile canvasses work much more.

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Hi, maybe my answer here: Android accessibility testing ,tools for automtion helps.

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Yes but its limited to web and nothing about mobile.So I’m having a hard time finding mobile specific resources or learning material.

Hey, what are you interested in doing - checking the whole app for accessibility or something specific? You can use some desktop based tools if you screencast the device to your computer - e.g. colour contrast analyzer tools for example


Focus on WCAG 2.1 which introduced specific mobile guidelines.
This post walks you through them. Which WCAG Success Criteria Apply to Mobile Accessibility?
I’d also point out that virtual and automated testing can only do so much with accessibility and you will need real devices.
My talk on getting started with mobile accessibility testing is here if you are Pro. Getting Started With Mobile Accessibility | Ministry of Testing


Like Ady points out the WCAG 3, for example is in draft, W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 and if you read it carefully with a mobile mindset it’s actually very helpful.


@mahatheed testrigor.com supports accessibility for Android out of the box. You can build tests using plain English (literally). Disclaimer: I’m associated with testRigor.

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Sorry i was using EPT which was provided by client

@anindita check this out.

Hello Mahathee,

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to connect with you and provide our support for mobile accessibility.