Ministry of Testing, Nigeria

Good day everyone,

My name is Ibironke Yekinni. A software Tester and QA Engineer in Nigeria.

We have at least over 1000+ Test Engineers in Nigeria. As a community manager, I have an interest in commencing the Ministry of Testing Nigeria alongside some other volunteers. I have sent at least two emails but haven’t gotten any response yet.
Please anyone can provide a guide on how to get started with having the Ministry of Testing Nigeria.

Looking for your responses.


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Hi Ibironke,

Our SocialBoss Áine has replied to your email. If you haven’t received it, please let us know :slight_smile:

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for your response Heather_reid, I have been responded to by now.

Officially we now have MOT Lagos :partying_face::partying_face::star2::tada:

It’s about to get lit here in Nigeria Testing Community :sunglasses::nerd_face:

Feel free to chat me up on MOT Slack: username @Princess to ask any question as regards MOT Lagos, NG.

Thank you all :rocket::+1:
