Really Bad Bugs

Have you ever seen something on a website and thought ‘wow!’ A friend’s website has a similar domain name to another business (he registered his domain name first) and they both offer SEO services. The other business must have recently added or updated a contact form. They obviously didn’t test it because as of a few days ago it routes the inquiries to my friend’s info email address. They are sending potential customers to their competitor!

It’s amazing to me to see these types of errors. That one test, and the fact it wasn’t done, has a measurable impact on their bottom line.

Thanks for letting me rant :slight_smile:


Well, I was made redundant from my last role because Management declared in-house development and testing to be an “unaffordable luxury”. Then the company moved to a new office and announced to a waiting world via social media “Click here for a virtual tour of our fantastic new city centre office!”.

The link didn’t work.


When I’ve been triaging bugs, I’ve defined a high-impact bug as either an important bug that has an adverse impact on functionality or an unimportant bug that nonetheless has a high impact on the application in terms of reputation, such as a highly visible or embarrassing typo.

Again, In my last role (you’ll guess that the company had Issues :face_with_raised_eyebrow:) we commissioned an in-house online training tool from a third-party supplier, but no-one took responsibility for acceptance testing. When it was delivered, apart from the fact that parts of it didn’t work properly, there was an introductory video which had an appalling typo (“sailers” instead of “sailors”) in large type in a graphic over the CEO’s introductory voice-over. That would have gotten me instantly sacked from a previous job if I’d had any sort of responsibility for the tool…


That’s a good point - just because it’s a bug that doesn’t impact functionality (ex/ will crash the site) doesn’t mean it’s always unimportant to test. In my last role I would often get verbiage for text updates, such as new or updated questions, that were riddled with typos. I didn’t mind but found it interesting that even though everyone in the office had spellcheck, it fell to me to actually use it.

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At one of my past employers, the graphic design folks did not have to run any of their stuff past testing, so I never saw “the pretty stuff” before it went up. Would you believe: a typo in the name of the business on the LOGO?